Privacy Policy

Understanding Our Privacy Policy


We value your privacy and are committed to upholding the highest level of confidentiality. This Privacy Policy lays down the various aspects you need to know about how we handle your information. It outlines the ways we collect, use, and safeguard your sensitive data, ensuring that we always comply with the highest standards.

We gather different kinds of information like your name, gender, contact details, and credit card information for your transactional purpose. Any data we collect is always done with your knowledge and consent. Importantly, we do everything we can to ensure that your data remains safe and secure.

Keeping your trust is our priority. That's why we have established security measures to ensure your personal information remains confidential. Our entire staff is trained about the crucial importance of upholding your privacy, and we regularly update these measures in line with the latest best practices.

By using our site, you consent to our Privacy Policy. We encourage you to periodically review our policy to stay informed about your rights and our duty toward preserving your privacy.

At Runic ,we prioritize the enhancement of your experience by tailoring our products and services to your preferences. Your privacy is paramount, and we handle your personal data with the utmost care and responsibility. By collecting and analyzing data, we gain valuable insights into your preferences and behaviors, allowing us to continually improve our offerings and provide you with the best possible experience. Rest assured, your data is safeguarded through stringent security measures, ensuring confidentiality and peace of mind. Join us in our journey of innovation and personalization as we strive to deliver products that resonate with your unique tastes and needs.

1. How we collect personal information ?

We may collect personal information from you directly or indirectly. When you fill out a form on our Website (to purchase one of our products, sign up for our email newsletter or submit a question or request using one of our online forms), you provide personal information directly to us. Other times, personal information is collected automatically as you use our Website. We also may receive personal information from third parties with whom we work.

2. We gather personal information solely when you provide it.

When making a purchase, you will furnish personal information such as your name, email address, mailing address, and phone number. Similarly, opting to receive our email newsletters involves providing your email address. Should you contact us via phone, any personal information you share will be utilized to address your inquiries, resolve issues, or offer assistance. Furthermore, if you utilize our Website's online chat feature to inquire about products or orders, we may also collect personal information from you.

3. We collect personal information from third-party sources.

We might obtain personal information about you from external sources that assist in our business operations, such as payment processors and marketing partners. Additionally, when you interact with our Website through social media networks, we may gather personal information. We encourage customers to share their product experiences both on our site and social media platforms. If you engage in a public discussion on platforms like Facebook, YouTube, or Twitter, we may collect personal information, including your name and other details you have consented to share through your social network agreement. Similarly, when you interact with social media buttons or plug-ins by clicking "Share This" or "Like" buttons, we may collect personal information.

4. We gather personal information through automated technologies.

At times, automated technologies gather personal information as visitors or customers navigate our Website, and this information is subsequently shared with us. We may track browsing activities, log IP addresses, and identify devices (including mobile phones, tablets, or computers and their operating systems). Additionally, other automated collection technologies, such as cookies, beacons, tags, and scripts, are employed to analyze trends, administer the Website, and monitor users' movements across the site. Both independently and with our third-party partners, we utilize these technologies to collect demographic information about our user base on both individual and aggregate levels.

5. How we use personal information ?

We understand the importance of your personal information and strive to be transparent about how we use it. Our utilization of this data serves various purposes, including providing easier and quicker access to our Website and products, facilitating convenient payment processes, and delivering information about desktop accessories that may interest you, both through our newsletter and website posts. As visitors and customers navigate our Website, their activities are tracked and analyzed in an aggregated manner. This data enables us to enhance the overall Website experience. Additionally, we occasionally combine personal information from specific customers to anticipate which products may appeal to them the most. Monitoring product purchases also aids in crafting and refining marketing initiatives. Furthermore, we utilize personal information: To send marketing communications and newsletters via email once you have subscribed. To deliver targeted advertisements through social media channels and other platforms based on your product purchases and interests. To address support requests or exercise legal rights. To identify and prevent fraud, and maintain the security and integrity of the Website. To provide updates regarding the Website and marketing information such as special promotions or surveys. To comply with applicable legal and regulatory obligations, as well as internal policies for record-keeping. To safeguard all parties in the event of disputes. To adhere to court orders, legal processes, and enforce our Terms and Conditions and this Privacy Policy. For any other legal, business, or marketing purposes consistent with the practices outlined in this Policy.

6. We might share the feedback you provide to us.

We value your feedback and welcome your suggestions to expand our products and assortment and enhance our newsletters with behind-the-scenes stories and customer profiles. We especially enjoy sharing success stories of our customers using our products. We encourage our customers to send us photos of themselves or their favorite leather accessories and office designs, as we believe this fosters a sense of community in creating better workspaces. By sending us a photo, you give us permission to use it on our Web site. If you do not want us to use your image in this way, please refrain from sending it to us. Please note that any feedback about our products and services may be shared publicly on our website or social media channels.

7. If you make a public post, we can use it

When you make a post on a third-party social media platform such as Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, or identify us in your social media feed through tagging using a hashtag (such as #runic) or "at" (@runiccreative), your personal information may become publicly available and is subject to the privacy policies of those third-party social media platforms. These platforms may use your posts in which you tag us as customer feedback.

8. We are committed to not knowingly collecting information from individuals under the age of 18.

While our products are accessible to individuals of all ages, including those under 18 years old, we do not knowingly sell products to individuals in that age group, nor do we intentionally collect personal information from them. In the event that we become aware of personal information provided by someone under 18 without proper consent, we will promptly delete the information from our records.

9. We are obligated to comply with legal requirements.

We may disclose your information to government authorities or other third parties under legal circumstances, including if You have expressly authorized us to share your information. We are legally required to do so in response to a subpoena or court order. If we believe, in our sole discretion, that disclosure is reasonably necessary to protect against fraud, to protect our property or other rights, or to protect the rights and safety of other users of the Website, third parties, or the public at large. If we believe that you are misusing the Website by engaging in activities such as hacking or gaining unauthorized access to a system, or by sending spam or engaging in other conduct that violates applicable law or our Terms and Conditions.

10. How we secure personal information ?

We have deployed commercially reasonable administrative, physical, and technological security measures to mitigate the risk of loss, misuse, unauthorized access, and alteration of personal information within our systems. We ensure that any individual or entity, including employees, contractors, corporations, organizations, or vendors, who has access to personal information in our systems, is bound by legal and/or professional obligations to uphold the confidentiality and security of that personal information. Despite our efforts to employ commercially acceptable methods to safeguard your personal information, it's important to note that no method of transmission over the Internet or form of electronic storage is entirely foolproof. As a result, we cannot guarantee the absolute security of your personal information.

11. Deleting your personal information

You have the option to request updates or deletions to your personal information by reaching out to us via email at with the subject line "Personal Information Deletion Request" . Upon receipt of your request, we will proceed to update or delete your personal information as permitted or mandated by applicable law.

12. Updates

This Privacy Policy is subject to periodic updates to reflect changes in our personal information handling practices. We retain the right to modify this Policy at any time, for any reason, without providing further notice to you, except by posting the revised Privacy Policy on our Website. We encourage you to revisit this page periodically to stay informed about any revisions we make regarding the collection, usage, and safeguarding of personal information. You can determine the latest update to this Privacy Policy by referring to the "last updated" date indicated at the outset of this Policy.